November 19, 2016 Saturday

 How to Make a Living (and a Life) from Writing  
Do you want to leave your job and make a living with your writing?

Would you like to transition into a full-time income from your creativity?

Come along to this one day workshop and you will leave with:

Ideas on how you can make a living with your writing
A deeper understanding of your relationship with money and your own creative process
The different business models you can use as a writer in today’s global, digital marketplace
An overview of how to take advantage of changes in the publishing industry
Tips on how to actually make money with books – fiction and/or non-fiction
Techniques for making an income through other forms of writing, including blogging
A step-by-step transition plan into making a full-time living as a creative and creating the life you want
Who is the workshop for?

People of any age or profession who want to live more creatively and make a living from writing
Authors of fiction and/or non-fiction, who want to create more financial return from their writing and publishing
Bloggers and freelance writers who want to expand creative and commercial possibilities
More information...
Room D06, Regent’s Park University – Inner Circle, 9:00AM - 5:00PM GMT