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Self-Publishing Contract Advice

Publishing contracts are notoriously specialist and complicated. It is often what is missing as much as what is in the contract that causes problems for authors. Do not hire a lawyer to negotiate a publishing contract, unless they have significant publishing experience.

Helen Sedwick, co-author of How Authors Sell Rights

Helen Sedwick, co-author of How Authors Sell Rights

ALLI provides a contract vetting service at three levels.

1) General advice and guidelines. Contract analysis and advice is offered, free of charge to members, by Orna Ross and Helen Sedwick, co-authors of ALLi's book How To Sell Publishing Rights.

Toby Mundy, ALLi's Literary Agent. © Ben Cawthra

Toby Mundy, ALLi's Literary Agent. © Ben Cawthra

2) Pro-Indie Literary Agent Representation. ALLi works with TMA Literary Agency, a pro-indie agency, to represent suitable books by our professional members, on a non-exclusive basis (i.e. happy to work alongside other agents). More information here. TMA charges the usual agent commission.

3) Contract Negotiation on Your Behalf. We have various advisors who offer a more in-depth contract analysis / negotiation help, for a flat fee. Their expertise will generally add a lot more value to your terms and conditions. Contact Sarah at as a first point of contact, explaining your situation and she will guide you to the right person.

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