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ALLi’s Ambassadors: think global, act local

ALLi's Ambassadors work with us to further our campaigns. Because they are based around the globe, they can tell us what's happening in their own areas and help us support indie authors and self-publishing services in ways that meet their local needs. We are building our Ambassador network to focus across eight publishing territories and trialling different approaches to see what works best in different places.

Introducing ALLi's Ambassadors

We're always happy to hear from you if you'd like to be an Ambassador and in particular right now we'd like to  find Ambassadors in: Africa, India, the Middle East, Ireland, Wales, Germany and the USA.

Drop Matty a line at

How our Ambassadors can help you:

They tell us what our global campaigns can do, locally

Our Ambassadors can share with us which awards or other opportunities are closed to indies, in their own countries, so that we can help open up more doors for indie authors. Often our Ambassadors work hard to get through a door… so they can leave it open for future indie authors to follow in their footsteps. A win for one indie is a win for us all.

They share ALLi's knowledge and expertise

The Ambassadors share important information to authors in their areas. Sometimes individually, sometimes through writing associations, festivals, literary events and charities, they can provide up to date information and useful guidance for authors everywhere.

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Ask them about our Organization Membership for writing associations

We have developed a category of Organization Membership to ensure good quality self-publishing information can reach even more authors. Our great value membership for writing associations means an organisation can partner with us, bringing their own author members high quality self-publishing resources. 

They can arrange for fantastic speakers at your literary events

Many of our Ambassadors are accomplished speakers and workshop facilitators, who can run self-publishing workshops or speak about their own books. If you need a speaker for your literary event, do get in touch: they can tell you about great indie authors in your area, or speak at the event themselves.

Want to be an ALLi Ambassador?

If you're an ALLi member and have experience self-publishing, please do drop Matty a line on, we love to have new Ambassadors on board, especially where we have gaps in our coverage!

The Ambassadors are always busy!


Ambassador Margaret Skea is arranging a self-publishing event with key Amazon contacts for Scottish writers in Feb 24, then meeting with Creative Scotland.



Our 6 Australian Ambassadors are working as a group to spread the word about self-publishing and ALLI.


Ambassador Caroline Lutz will be coordinating a survey in Spring '24 to gather evidence of the growth of self-publishing in Europe.


Become an Ambassador!

We'd love new Ambassadors to join in 2024! Could you join our great team? Email

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