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Alison Morton, ALLi Author Member

Location: EU
Genres: Commercial Fiction, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Skills: Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

Writer of Roma Nova alternate history thrillers historical fiction and contemporary thrillers
Former civil servant, military officer, small business owner and translator. Lives in France.
Roman 'nut' and wine drinker.
Favourite question - "what if?"

Alison Morton's books

INCEPTIO 10th Anniversary special hardback edition

A special edition with new, exclusive bonus content

New York, present day, alternate reality. Karen Brown, angry and frightened after surviving a kidnap attempt, has a harsh choice – being eliminated by government enforcer Jeffery Renschman or fleeing to mysterious Roma Nova, her dead mother’s homeland in Europe.

Founded sixteen centuries ago by Roman exiles and ruled by women, Roma Nova gives Karen safety, at a price, and a ready-made family in a strange culture she often struggles with. Just as she’s finding her feet, a shocking discovery about her new lover, special forces officer Conrad Tellus, isolates her.

And the enforcer is stalking her in her new home and nearly kills ... [read more]


"You should have trusted me. You should have given me a choice."
AD 370, Roman frontier province of Noricum. Staying faithful to the Roman gods in a Christian empire can be lethal. Half-divorced Julia Bacausa is condemned to an emotional desert and a forced marriage, Lucius Apulius barely clings onto his posting in a military backwater. Strongly drawn to each other, they are soon separated, but Julia is determined not to lose the only man she will love.

Neither wholly married nor wholly divorced, Julia is trapped in the power struggle between the Christian church and her pagan ruler father.

Tribune Lucius Apulius’s life is blighted by his determination not to convert to Christianity ... [read more]

Double Pursuit

She’s hunting arms smugglers. But who is hunting her?

One dead body, two badly injured operatives and five crates of hijacked rifles.
In Rome, former French special forces intelligence analyst Mélisende des Pittones is frustrated by obnoxious local cops and ruthless thugs. Despite the backing of the powerful European Investigation and Regulation Service, her case is going nowhere. Then an unknown woman tries to blow her head off.

As Mel and fellow investigator Jeff McCracken attempt to get a grip on the criminal network as well as on their own unpredictable relationship, all roads point to the place she dreads – the arid and remote African Sahel – where she was once betrayed a ... [read more]

Double Identity

Deeply in love, a chic Parisian lifestyle before her. Now she’s facing prison for murder.
It’s three days since dual-national Mel des Pittones threw in her job as an intelligence analyst with the French special forces to marry financial trader Gérard Rohlbert. But her dream turns to nightmare when she wakes to find him dead in bed beside her.

Her horror deepens when she’s accused of his murder. Met Police detective Jeff McCracken wants to pin Gérard’s death on her. Mel must track down the real killer, even if that means being forced to work with the obnoxious McCracken.

But as she unpicks her fiancé’s past, she discovers his shocking secret life. To get to the truth, she ... [read more]

ROMA NOVA EXTRA – A Collection of Short Stories

Suppose Roma Nova, the last remnant of the old Roman Empire, had struggled through to the 21st century – a tough little country surviving through history because of its tough, resourceful people?

Apulius, a young tribune sent to a backwater in 370 AD for having the wrong religion, encounters the fiery Julia.

What does his lonely descendant, Silvia, labouring in the 1980s to rebuild her country, make of the Italian architect supervising the reconstruction?

Can imperial councillor Galla stop the Norman invasion of England in 1066?

And will Allegra, her 21st century Praetorian descendant fighting her emotions, find her way to her own happy ending?

Readers of INCEPTIO, PERFI ... [read more]

RETALIO – The fourth Aurelia Mitela Roma Nova thriller

“A classic tale of resistance and resilience – the only regret is when the action stops.” – Douglas Jackson
Early 1980s Vienna. Recovering from a near fatal shooting, Aurelia Mitela, ex-Praetorian and former foreign minister of Roma Nova, chafes at her enforced exile. She barely escaped from her nemesis, the charming and amoral Caius Tellus who grabbed power in Roma Nova, the only part of the Roman Empire to survive into the twentieth century.

Aurelia’s duty and passion fire her determination to take back her homeland and liberate its people despite her lover Miklós's desire to protect her. But Caius’s manipulations have isolated her from her fellow exiles, leaving her ostra ... [read more]

INSURRECTIO – The third Aurelia Mitela Roma Nova thriller

"A taut, fast-paced thriller and I enjoyed it enormously. Rome, guns and rebellion. Darkly gripping stuff.” – Conn Iggulden
Caius Tellus wants to seize power in Roma Nova and destroy a system that’s safeguarded its people for over fifteen centuries.

Aurelia Mitela, ex-Praetorian and chief imperial councillor, vows to stop him.

But Roma Nova in the early 1980s is paralysed by a ruler afraid to rule. Old laws are choking reform. Fear sparks riots only to be exploited by the charismatic leader of a rising nationalist movement.

Aurelia fights to combat increasing panic engulfing Roma Nova. Founded at the dusk of the old Roman Empire the tiny state now faces total meltdown.

Bu ... [read more]

NEXUS – The second Aurelia Mitela Roma Nova adventure (Novella)

Mid 1970s. Ex-Praetorian Aurelia Mitela is serving as Roma Nova’s interim ambassador in London. Asked by a British colleague to find his missing son, Aurelia thinks it will only be a case of a young man temporarily rebelling. He’s bound to turn up only a little worse for wear.

But a spate of high-level killings pulls Aurelia away into a dangerous pan-European investigation. Badly beaten in Rome as a warning, she discovers the killers have kidnapped her life companion, Miklós, and sent an ultimatum: Back off or he’ll die.

But Aurelia is a Roma Novan and they never give up…

Set between AURELIA and INSURRECTIO in the Aurelia Mitela Roma Nova adventures

"Fans of Mort ... [read more]

AURELIA – The first Aurelia Mitela Roma Nova thriller

"A racing climax and a fully satisfying ending" – Kate Quinn
1960s Roma Nova. Retrained as an undercover agent, ex-Praetorian officer Aurelia Mitela is sent to Berlin to investigate silver smuggling, but barely escapes a near-lethal trap. Her lifelong nemesis, Caius Tellus, is determined to eliminate her. When Aurelia is closing in on him, he strikes at her most vulnerable point – her young daughter.

A former military commander, Aurelia is one of Roma Nova’s strong women, but she doubts in her heart and mind that she can overcome her implacable enemy. And what part does the mysterious and attractive Miklós play – a smuggler who knows too much? If you enjoy a good read with plen ... [read more]

SUCCESSIO - The fourth Carina Mitela Roma Nova thriller

"I thoroughly enjoyed this classy thriller" - The Bookseller
Pulled into a nightmare of blackmail, drugs and breakdown, 21st century Roma Novan Carina struggles to defend her family and country against a gifted and vicious enemy.

Carina Mitela is an experienced military intelligence officer and undercover investigator tasked with protecting Roma Nova – the last remnant of the Roman Empire that’s survived into the 21st century. But for once, she may not have the mental and physical strength to defeat this manipulative killer intent on destroying her and her husband's families.

Her career in meltdown, her husband in breakdown and the children under threat of murder; her heart and ... [read more]

PERFIDITAS – The third Carina Mitela Roma Nova thriller

"Sassy, intriguing, page-turning" – Simon Scarrow
Captain Carina Mitela of the Praetorian Guard Special Forces is in trouble. One colleague tries to slice her jugular. Another sets a trap to incriminate her in a conspiracy to topple the government of Roma Nova, the last Roman outpost in 21st century Europe,

Proscribed and operating illegally, separated from her family and children, Carina risks being terminated by both security services and conspirators. Seeking help from a friend immersed in the world of crime could wreck her marriage to the enigmatic Conrad. As an intelligence agent, she's no mean detective, but betrayal mounts on betrayal.

Is Carina strong enough to choose betwe ... [read more]

CARINA – The second Carina Mitela Roma Nova adventure (novella)

Carina Mitela is still a young inexperienced officer in the Praetorian Guard Special Forces of Roma Nova. Disgraced and smarting from a period in the cells for a disciplinary offence, she is sent out of everybody's way on a seemingly straightforward mission overseas.

All she and her comrade-in-arms, Flavius, have to do is bring back a traitor from the Republic of Quebec. Under no circumstances must she risk entering the Eastern United States where she is still wanted under her old name Karen Brown. But when she investigates further she discovers a conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of Roma Nova. What price is personal danger against fulfilling the mission?

This part mystery ... [read more]

INCEPTIO – The first Carina Mitela Roma Nova thriller

"Grips like a vice – a writer to watch out for" – Adrian Magson

Present day, alternative timeline. New Yorker Karen Brown is caught in a tangle of hot foreign agents, vicious maniacs and tough families. Running for her life, she's forced to flee to Roma Nova – her dead mother’s homeland and the last outpost of the Roman Empire.

But can Karen survive in such an alien culture? And with a crazy killer determined to terminate her for a very personal reason?

Roma Nova gives her safety – at a price. Taking on an undercover mission, she concentrates on completing the job, staying alive and keeping her distance from the fascinating but arrogant Praetorian captain Conrad Tellus.
... [read more]


20th century Roma Nova – powered by the Roman mindset, ruled by women

Aurelia Mitela is courageous, loyal and passionate, but the shadow of her life-long nemesis Caius Tellus hovers over her. Whether as Praetorian soldier, spy, diplomat or imperial councillor, Aurelia must keep him at bay personally and professionally. But Caius stalks her, intent on destroying her personal strength which stands between him and ultimate power in Roma Nova. And if her unorthodox lover or her child can be used against her, he will not hesitate.

A thousand pages of courage, passion and resistance in three books with over 100 five-star reviews on Amazon between them.

“What if the Roman Empi ... [read more]


Power – Betrayal – Nemesis

Meet Carina Mitela, 21st century Praetorian in Roma Nova, as she challenges all three.
"My ancestors fought to hold this land. I'm not letting some throwback destroy it."

Transformation, deception, rebels, vengeance takers, comradeship and an epic love story bind these three adventures in a new Rome founded sixteen hundred years ago by dissidents from the Roman Empire, and ruled by women.

Nearly a thousand pages of action adventure and alternative history thrills in three books with over 160 five star reviews on Amazon between them.

INCEPTIO – the beginning
“Grips like a vice – a writer to watch out for.” 
– Adrian Magson
Terrified a ... [read more]

The 500 Word Writing Buddy: 25 Inner Secrets For The New Writer

Burning to write your novel? And publish it? But don't know where to start?

This book will reveal how to:
- structure your book
- develop your characters
- introduce conflict
- weave setting and plot together
- edit and prepare your manuscript for publication

You'll learn about:
- mainstream and self-publishing
- marketing and selling your book

And about living the writer's life:
- why you write
- your writing place
- interacting with other writers
- the write/life balance

Alison Morton writes the writing and publishing column in The Deux-Sevres Monthly magazine and has published three award-winning alternative history thrillers. She gives talks on writi ... [read more]

Military or civilians? The curious anomaly of the German Women's Auxil

Nearly 500,000 young German women served in uniform with the German armed forces in the Second World War yet their history is rarely recalled in Germany and is virtually unknown in the Anglophone world. Recruited into the military against Nazi ideological norms to meet a desperate shortage of manpower, the status of these Wehrmachthelferinnen (armed forces' auxiliaries) remained questionable.

Indispensable to military communications and administration, by the end of the war they also served in the front line in forward army groups and anti-aircraft batteries. Records indicate that around 25,000 were captured in the East alone and taken as forced labourers to the Soviet Union; ... [read more]

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