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Here are the places where ALLi Members gather online and off.

Each of these meet-ups has its own unique flavour and different ones will suit different writers better. Have a try and see where you feel most comfortable hanging out.

Self-Publishing Advice Centre

An open website and blog for the indie author community where our members write guest posts and connect daily. Questions, comments, ideas, insights, case studies: all can be shared here.

Member Forum

A closed, private forum where any member can ask a question and get a variety of great answers from other authors who have been there and done that.

Goodreads Group

Here's where we focus on Reaching Readers. Once a month a bunch of us get together on Goodreads, chat about a theme, give away some books and introduce our readers to each other.


Here's where you'll find invitations to our Monthly ALLi Insights Videos, Live Q&A Sessions with Joanna Penn and Orna Ross, and other Ask ALLi features.

Offline Meetups

As well as meeting online, ALLi members also connect offline in their own local areas. We use to facilitate these local groups.

If you are interested in facilitating a local ALLi group, here are the steps.

  • Drop us an email to let us know and connect with any other member in your area who might already have expressed interest.
  • Set up the group on (we will pay the fee), using the London Group as your model. Please follow the text on the page with as little modification as possible. We find groups who meet monthly are most successful. Announce the group on our member forums to gather interest.
  • Note how payment works. ALLi groups are for ALLi members only. Non-members may attend once off, at a cost of 10USD/GBP. If they join that evening, the money is deducted from membership. If they do not, you as organiser keep the tenner.
  • Use your affiliate ID to receive 30% of joining fee for anybody who joins ALLi as a result of your efforts.
  • Make contact with local writers groups and organisations and tell them about your Meetup. You can download all you need here.
  • has lots of tips for running a successful group.

For further information, use the contact form below.

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