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Thank You For Renewing

Orna here from the Alliance of Independent Authors. I'm writing to thank you for being a Professional member of our alliance over the past year. Your contribution has enabled us to accomplish so much and quickly establish ourselves as the premier nonprofit association for writers who self-publish.

Here are ten of the great things we've been able to do over the past while, thanks to members like you:

  1. Upgrade our website and expand our membership zone to include:
    • a searchable database of recommended Author Services.
    • resources section with free ebooks and articles from our advisors and friends, including Mark Coker, Joel Friedlander, Jane Friedman, David Gaughran, Joanna Penn, Mark McGuinness and more.
    • multiple ways to connect with, and learn from, other members
    • great discounts and deals
    • access to our International Rights Services for members, including a dedicated literary agent for translation rights
  2. Online database and members' showcase (Read-ALLi), telling the world about our members' books.
  3. Free monthly online education events, including our ALLi-Insights monthly advice seminar and our monthly Ask-ALLi Q&A with me and Joanna Penn, answering your questions live, on Google Hangout.
  4. Rating of Author Services globally and our book, Choosing A Self-Publishing Service (I hope you received your free copy? All our ebook guides are free to members.)
  5. Code of Standards and Ethical Author campaign
  6. Rights & Contracts Advice.
  7. Watchdog.
  8. Contacts with author-publishing services, like Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, Book Baby, Pubmatch, Author Marketing Club and with publishers, agents and industry insiders — including a presence at major book events like London Book Fair, Book Expo America and Frankfurt Bookfair.
  9. Ambassadors in eight publishing territories across the world, so we can cross connect
  10. IndieRecon: an annual, online indie writing and reading conference and festival.

Thank you for continuing this exciting journey with us. We value your contribution and participation and hope that we will be able to add plenty more value to your author-publishing experience.

And we always need volunteers to help with IndieRecon and our other programs. Contact philip@allianceindependentauthors if you'd like to volunteer some hours to us.

Do check out the member zone if you haven't logged in lately, to access the latest benefits. We're always updating and improving. And join in our social, online groups. They're fun and frequented by pro members like yourself, who still learn as well as give back to authors just starting out on the indie journey. The Member forum is liveliest.

We are also busy with many exciting partnerships, deals, and service development for self-published writers across the globe into 2016.

We are particularly interested in how we can be of service to our Professional members, as your numbers grow — so if there's anything you'd like us to do, let us know. We'll give it every consideration.

We look forward to working with you to ensure author-publishing takes its rightful place in the literary and publishing industries going forward.

Warm regards,

Orna Ross, Director

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