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Organization Members

Organization Partner BadgeAre you an inclusive national, local, genre, or special interest association for authors? Do you align with ALLi's mission of ethics and excellence in self-publishing? If so, good news! You are warmly invited to become an ALLi Organization Member.

The Organization Membership is part of ALLi's ongoing Open Up to Indie Authors Campaign. Our aim is to offer other non-profit organizations best practice advice and access to our specialist self-publishing knowledge and experience.

(Please note this membership is not for self-publishing services, only non-profit author associations. If you are a for-profit company, go here.)

Benefits for your Organization

  • Quarterly Org Member update from the ALLi Campaigns Manager
  • Yearly meeting between Organization Member and ALLi team to discuss strategic partnership opportunities
  • Availability of presentations on indie publishing to Org Member members by ALLi's Campaigns Manager (Matty Dalrymple) or Outreach Manager (Michael La Ronn)

Benefits for your members:

  • The Craft of Self-Publishing: A Practical Guide
  • ALLi’s Self-Publishing Services Directory
  • ALLi’s knowledge archives: our blog posts, YouTube channel, and podcast episodes
  • The latest issue of our magazine, The Indie Author
  • An annual online self-publishing conference
  • Self-Publishing (Almost) for Free: A Checklist
  • The results from the latest annual Big Indie Author Data Drop
  • The ALLi Bookshop
  • A pamphlet on Author Safety
  • The Pyramid of Priorities for prioritizing one’s indie business activities
  • Additional information on ALLi’s Campaigns

ALLi Org Members’ members also enjoy the same ability as ALLi members to submit questions to ALLi’s monthly Q&A podcast session and LIVE quarterly Q&A sessions.

How to Join ALLi as an Organization Member

Go here to join. On completion of payment, you’ll receive an email confirmation of your membership and details of how to access your benefits. (Check spam if it doesn't arrive after a few minutes.)

We look forward to working with you as an Organization Member for the benefit of your members!


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